Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

Dear diary,
Today is the most tired day. Why?For the whole morning we did nothing but in the afternoon we clean the whole Social hall for tomorrows MTAP Contest. After this tired thing we just accomplish, we need to make a project again. But we have no money. So, we need to walk and we did.So, from Boniaw to Navales we just walk. While on our way, we experience some obstacles that makes it harder but it can't stop us. It's raining with strong winds but we have only one umbrella. The result we are so wet.

Finally, we arrive in our destination even though I can feel already that my shoes is full of water.But in the moment we arrive, I quickly go back to our house because my body can\t take it anymore and their I take a nap...........The project my other classmate volunteer that she will be the one to do it.

To be continued..........