Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Ambition in Life

Every person is dreaming that what he will become someone in the future. Guided by these thoughts one has to work harder to fulfill his dreams. For me, my ambition in life is to become a prestigious and successful physician . I want to take care of the sick people especially for those who are left uncared for. They too deserve a good and healthy life with ambition. I will lead them to a healthy life so they can also fulfill this dreams.

Once in my life I have witness an incident where in a sick person was brought to hospital, but because he was poor and raggedly dressed, petty looking nobody treated him. He was left in one of the corners in the clinic. This experience open my eyes to a dream of become a doctor. Will I do the same If I will become a doctor?

To become rich is just my secondary wish. If you'll be satisfied and contented with your work you'll be happy.