Saturday, November 7, 2009

Importance of LOVE

Love is a universal feeling, which is felt by every living being on this earth. Do not be surprised when I say ‘living beings’ because it is not just an attribute of human beings. Plants and animals everyone is acquainted with this strange emotion. Though there is no definition to describe this unique feeling of love, it is characterized by a sense of attachment and affection towards somebody or something. So strong is the feeling that it is said that it makes the world go around. If you are still wondering why is love so important in our lives, the answer is that it satisfies the emotional needs of human beings.
Human beings have an innate quality of giving and feeling love. Moreover, it is even related with our biological structure. It is this feeling of love, which is responsible for the existence and maintenance of the society. When a baby is born, parents forget about their hunger, sleep, as they are so much in love with their child. The sweet ecstasy of love enables the man to accomplish tasks that would not have been possible without its powers. The enigmatic emotion exceeds all boundaries and has great potential of changing lives of the people.

The majesty of the feeling is such that it allows humans to treat each other with kindness and compassion. In fact one can say that there are a number of emotions bred by love. It might be any relation binding us together; love is ubiquitous in different forms. A passionate lover’s kiss, a tender mother’s touch, a fatherly concern or a brotherly, sisterly affection, everything expresses love. It is by the virtue of this emotion that sages have found eternal peace and enlightenment, as no love is superior to love for the Almighty, who has bestowed upon us its mercy in the form of this gentle feeling, which no matter how fragile, is the very foundation of life.

How to be a True Friend?


1. Be friend with yourself and accept others.
-How can you be a friend to others if you are not a friend to yourself. You just need to accept yourself first. We are not perfect. If you learn to accept yourself, you have now the position to accept others. Accept them as you accept yourself. remember, we are just humans so if they made mistakes forgive them. Take them for who they really are.

2. Make time.
-Make time for relationships. Sometimes we don't give time to our friends because we are busy but we should put them as one of our priorities because maybe one day there will be a time that your friend will feel that he or she is not important anymore because you don't give time to him or her.

3. Be a good listener and understand each other.
-"Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer."
Sometimes we don't really listen to our friends. A true friend is not like that. We should listen to what our friends say, because they are the one who knows you better and knows whats bes for you. Understand each other also. Do not accuse your friend, listen to her first and understand her.

4. Enrich each others' life.
-"Friendship is a treasured gift and everytime I talk with you I feel as if I'm getting richer and richer. True friends provide value to each other. She/He wants the best for you and what will make you happy.

5. Trust each other.
-"Confidence is the foundation of friendship. If we give it we will receive it. We should trust each other, if we are a true friend we will share each other's secrets, problems and many more. We believe that our friend will keep it till the day she/he dies.

6. Say the truth, do not lie to your friend.
-A true friend is not afraied of saying the truth, even if it's not convinient to the ones who hear it. A true friend cares too much about the person's wellness that he can't afford to let him live wrongly. Always have others best interst in your heart and be honest to them.

7. Know the right time to do things.
- Sometimes being a frienxd means the mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence.A time to let go and allow people too hurt themselves in thier own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.

8. Leverage other's potential.
- My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.
A true friend wants to see the people around them to live up to thier maximum potential. You can do this by helping your friends to recognize and develop thier personal strengts.

9. See the positive side of others.
- A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though you are slihglty cracked.
A true friend knows you good enough to see your weaknesses but he still believes in yourpotential. To become a true friend, you should believe that your friends are good on the inside no matter how bad thier outer appearance might be. It's by this belief that you can sincerely encourage them.

10. Be present in difficult times.
-True friend isn't about being theere when it's convinient; it's about being there when it's not.
This is the test of rue friendship. Fake friends will be there when you are happy since they want to share your happinness. But fake friends won't be with you in times of difficult times. Only true friends will choose to be with you in difficult times. So, to be true friend, be with your friends in their dark moments. Be with them even if you need to let go your own convinience. It may be the most difficult tip of all, but it's the mark of true friendship.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Meet My Family

I hailed from a middle class family. My father Welfranie S. Lumancas is a businessman and my mother Nilda M. Lumancas a government employee.

We are four in the family I am the youngest. My eldest brother Francis Paolo Lumancas is fourth year graduating in nursing this coming March. My elder sister Precious Lumancas also in third year collage, both of them are in Cebu City. The other older brother is Jeff Ryan Lumancas is fourth year high school in Jacinto P. Elpa High School. All of us are in school supported by loving , patient and caring parents.

We lived in Cortes at our ancestral home. The house of our grandparents.

Coming back to the years and days when my brothers and sisters are all in high school my parents are very problematic at that time. Where to find money to support their studies. Almost everyday my mom will sent money for their requirements. But then they never lose hope and find some ways to find money. Soon my brother will become a nurse and his first priority is to help us to finish our studies.

All these challenges are just spices to make our family stronger and more faith in God also. By just working together and helping one another we can passs all these challenges and problems that we will meet and encounter as our lives goes on. For me my family is a treasure and gift from God that nothing can ever replace them. They will always stay in my heart forever. With them I can feel that I am already in heaven with God. I'm very thankful to God for having a family and parents like them. Maybe that love means, It's sacrificing something just for the happiness of your loved ones in life.

My Ambition in Life

Every person is dreaming that what he will become someone in the future. Guided by these thoughts one has to work harder to fulfill his dreams. For me, my ambition in life is to become a prestigious and successful physician . I want to take care of the sick people especially for those who are left uncared for. They too deserve a good and healthy life with ambition. I will lead them to a healthy life so they can also fulfill this dreams.

Once in my life I have witness an incident where in a sick person was brought to hospital, but because he was poor and raggedly dressed, petty looking nobody treated him. He was left in one of the corners in the clinic. This experience open my eyes to a dream of become a doctor. Will I do the same If I will become a doctor?

To become rich is just my secondary wish. If you'll be satisfied and contented with your work you'll be happy.